We Made it to Fryeburg! - Final Standing

June 22, 2018

Race Complete

     VTA - PEO

     PEO - IZG

We landed in Fryeburg, Maine!

Before this we needed to get to Penn Yan. 
Mary, Purdue Air Race Captain 2017, met us before we left VTA.

We left IFR for Penn Yan, NY. When we hit Pennsylvania, the low cloud ceilings were starting to clear. It was beautiful as we cut the corner of Pennsylvania into upstate New York. We passed over the Finger lakes and they were in beautiful valleys. 

Soon we were landing in Penn Yan to stop for fuel, a bite to eat, and clean our plane. 
We left in the afternoon, in hopes of strategic planning to pay out. We did our fly-by and were full throttle to Maine. 

Can I say WOW! The terrain was beautiful, to see the Appalachian Mountains from the air was incredibly amazing. 

We did our fly-by to end our race. When we landed, there were so many smiling volunteers as well as family! 

After we fueled and parked the plane, we handed the keys over for final inspection. All the racers went to the after race "Meltdown" which was held one of the terminus hosts personal hangar and grass strip. It was beautiful and the perfect end to a crazy, fun, stressful week. 

June 23, 2018

We had some racer debriefing and then were able to explore Maine. Two of our ground crew met us at the terminus, Rachel and Abi. We went to the Cathedral Ledge Lookout and Diana's Baths. Did I mention Maine and New Hampshire were gorgeous! 

June 24, 2018

The final racer debrief was held.
After, the Purdue University racers and ground crew, Lewis University Racers, and Purdue Pilots Incorporated racers headed to canoe the Maine rivers!
We had alot of fun canoeing, kayaking, swimming, and jumping into the cold river. 

After this we all prepared for the final banquet.

We won 3rd place for the first leg of the race and placed 15th overall!

We are so thankful for all the sponsors this year and especially thankful for the donation made by the Indy Aero Club!

We also want to thank our ground crew who stayed at LAF and sent us leg information during the race! We couldn't have done it without you!

Finally, want to thank our maintenance crew and the Purdue University Aviation School for being so helpful getting our plane ready for the race and for allowing us to use the SR-20. 

2019 Race Route

Until next year ARC, tailwinds and blue skies!


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